Previous to making Strangers With Candy, Paul Dinello and Dan Dinello collaborated with Amy Sedaris, Stephen Colbert, and Mitch Rouse on several short films: Wheels of Fury (with Amy, Paul, Mitch and Dan), Shock Asylum (with Paul and Stephen), and Beyond the Door (with Paul and Stephen). These are now available on a DVD that also includes, as DVD extra) How To Be Popular (with Paul, Amy, and Mitch with narration by Stephen). These are available on ShockFilm.
Strangers With Candy people now:
Stephen Colbert is the star of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report (Monday – Thursday, 10:30pm CST) which won two 2014 Emmys (Best Variety Show, Best Writing). Colbert will replace David Letterman on the Late Show in 2015. His most recent book is out: America Again: Re-becoming the Greatest We Never Were. It was written with Paul Dinello. Along with John Stewart , he conducted the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on Oct. 30, 2010, in Washington D.C. Pictures can be seen here. For lots more information about Stephen, please look at DB Ferguson's wonderful No Fact
Paul Dinello works at The Colbert Report as Consulting Producer and writer. He co-wrote Stephen Colbert's book: America Again: Re-becoming the Greatest We Never Were. His recent book with Amy Sedaris is called - Simple Times.Caitlin puts out everything she can unearth about Paul at her website -
Amy Sedaris stars in The Heart, She Holler, a live action miniseries on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim! Her last book, written with Paul Dinello, is Simple Times - Crafts for Poor People. It came out Nov. 2, 2011. Her previous collaboration with Paul - “I Like You” - was a best seller in 2006. See Amy's video "Golden First Date" directed by Paul and edited by Bryan Dinello. For all the information you want about Amy, please see
The Strangers With Candy movie was released on DVD. Buy it here.
The film, produced by David Letterman's Worldwide Pants production company, was originally picked up at last year's Sundance Film Festival by Warner Independent Pictures for some $3 million. But it reverted to Worldwide Pants last fall after WIP raised questions about clearance issues. ThinkFilm said "all problems were overcome before we acquired it (and) we do not have issues that will prevent us from gleefully promoting it. We were looking for a film that combined all the best qualities of Crash, Brokeback Mountain, and Capote. Strangers With Candy has ethnic slurs, clandestine gay sex and Philip Seymour Hoffman. What more could we want!:
Directed by Paul Dinello, the feature film version of the TV series centers on self-proclaimed "boozer, user and loser" Blank and reunites cast members: Amy Sedaris as Jerri Blank, Stephen Colbert and Dinello as teachers carrying on a secret affair, Greg Hollimon as the school principal and Deborah Rush as Blank's evil stepmother. A host of star cameo appearances are featured, including Matthew Broderick as a guest professor, Sarah Jessica Parker as a guidance counselor, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Allison Janney as school board authorities, Dan Hedaya as Blank's father in a coma, Ian Holm as his doctor, Kristen Johnston as a faculty member and Justin Theroux as a driver's ed teacher. Paul Dinello and Paul Schaffer are currently reworking the movie's soundtrack.
Three volumes of the Comedy Central Television series have been released on DVD.
Paul, Amy and Stephen published a book in 2004: Wigfield – The Can-Do Town That Just May Not is a hilarious, illustrated satire of a town in jeopardy and the earnest reporter who hopes to save them from extinction.
Strangers with Candy, the first live-action narrative series from Comedy Central, is a profoundly unusual and often hilarious version of an after-school special in hell- a twisted mutation in which Heathers meets one scary woman's midlife crisis. The show reunties several members of the Comedy Central troupe Exit 57 and stars the incredibly gifted Amy Sedaris as Jerri Blank, a forty-six-year-old dropout who returns to Flatpoint High School - home of the Concrete Donkeys- as a freshman. Jerri, possibly more damaged than any high school student ever after having done serious time as a runaway and a ward of the state, is chatty in a way that verges on insane and is impressively unlike any chick to matriculate on Beverly Hills 90210. "I'm having my uterus scraped. " she explains to her counselor when asked why she can't attend a meeting. At another point she wonders out loud, "It's not so bad making friends with drugs, is it?" |

She's out of jail, back in school and making new friends:
Sedaris as the fortysomething Jerri Blank. |