
“David Lynch Meets Jerry Lewis”
- NY Underground Film Festival
“Great Imagination . . . My Worst Nightmare” -- Marianne Murciano Fox Thing in the Morning
“Briskly paced and wildly performed, Shock Asylum is a blast of deviant fun ” -- Shock Cinema #11
“Reminiscent of Sam Fuller’s paranoid classic ’Shock Corridor,’ the film plays like a dramatization of ’The Bell Jar’ starring the Three Stooges . . . but it takes a left turn into Bunuel territory ”-- Chicago Reader
Awards: Best Short Film -- NY Underground Film Festival 1997
Best of the Fest -- Atlanta Film & Video Festival 1997
Team Work Awary -- 10.Stuttgarter FIilmwinter
SHOCK ASYLUM (15m, 1997) sceened at Sundance Film Festival, 3rd Manchester International Short Film and Video Festival (England), Chicago Underground Film Festival, Berlin Underground Film Festival: Circles of Confusion, 10th Annual Virginia Film Festival, University of Illinois Freaky Fridays, Bumbershoot97--Seattle Arts Festival, WTTW-TV - Chicago, Central Florida Film & Video Festival, Arizona International Film & Video Festival, the Chicago Comedy Video & Film Festival, Detroit Independent Film Festival, Montreal International Comedy Festival, Chicago Filmmakers, Rendevous With Madness Film Festival (Toronto) Shadows of the Mind Festival (Ontario) Newport Beach Film Festival Supersphere.com; ShortTV; Dances With Films (LA); Boston Underground Film Festival